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What Mike Mentzer Learned from Arthur Jones

Arthur Jones High Intensity Training

Mike Mentzer and Arthur Jones were two of the most influential figures in the world of bodybuilding. Arthur Jones was a pioneer in the field of physical fitness and was the inventor of the Nautilus exercise machines. He was also responsible for introducing the world to high intensity training, which he taught to Mike Mentzer. In this blog post, we will discuss how Arthur Jones taught Mike Mentzer the principles of high intensity training, and how this knowledge has shaped his Heavy Duty training program.

Arthur Jones and High Intensity Training

Arthur Jones was an American inventor and entrepreneur who founded the Nautilus exercise equipment company in 1970. Jones was a pioneer in the field of exercise science and his inventions revolutionized the way people worked out. He was a strong advocate of high-intensity training and believed that the best way to achieve results was to work out with maximum intensity for short periods of time. Jones was also a proponent of progressive resistance training, which involves gradually increasing the weight used in your exercises over time.

What Arthur Jones Taught Mike Mentzer

Arthur Jones believed that the key to building muscle was to use short, intense workouts that focused on a few exercises. He believed that if you trained with high intensity, you could get the same results as if you trained for hours and hours. He also believed that the body could only handle a certain amount of stress, and that if you pushed it too hard, you would overtrain.

Arthur Jones taught Mike Mentzer the following three basic principles of high intensity training:

1. Workouts must be intense, training to failure is what triggers the growth mechanism.

2. Workouts must be short to keep from over stressing the body's recovery ability.

3. Workouts must be infrequent to allow enough time for full recovery and growth.

How Mike Mentzer Applied What He Learned from Arthur Jones

Mike Mentzer was intrigued by Arthur Jones' ideas, and he began to experiment with high intensity training. He found that he was able to get great results with short, intense and infrequent workouts.

Mike Mentzer spread the word about high intensity training, and he wrote several books on the subject. He also became a popular bodybuilding coach, and he helped many bodybuilders achieve their goals.

Mike Mentzer made advancements to high intensity training, by introducing split training, and even more rest days between workouts, he called his version of high intensity training Heavy Duty Training.

Mike Mentzer learned that no single workout schedule can fit everyone as we all have different genetics, exercise tolerance and recovery ability. So, while Arthur Jones recommended everyone train their full body three times a week, Mike Mentzer discovered training each body part much less frequently worked best for most people.

The Legacy of Arthur Jones and Mike Mentzer

The legacy of Arthur Jones and Mike Mentzer lives on today. The Mike Mentzer approach to bodybuilding, which was heavily influenced by Arthur Jones, is still used by many bodybuilders today. The influence of Arthur Jones and Mike Mentzer on the world of bodybuilding is undeniable and their legacy will continue to live on for many years to come.

If you have any questions about Mike Mentzer, Heavy Duty, High Intensity Training, Diet, etc. email us and we'll get back to you with an answer as soon as we can.

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